2nd day of annual leave. As planned I got up early, well, at 11am (I am not a morning person, ok!). So many things to do before the trip to Lisboa (Lisbon), Portugal tomorrow. First of all, I have to fix the car. The exhaust was just hanging down there, ready to hit the ground. Don't know what happenned but for the past week or two , the car has been making odd sound. Andrew checked it yesterday and found out what was wrong. The exhaust has become loose and it needs to be fixed. I will be returning from Lisbon on dublin so I would have no time to fix it and I need the car to go to work on Sunday. That bloody car.....need a new one!
I send it to Fast Fix Car Shop....and they are really fast. It appeared that a rear box (don't ask me what it is called) attached to the exhaust also leaked and needed to be changed. Whatever.....costs me £80 (bloody car!).
After having my lunch, a green chicken curry which i cooked last night (yummy! yummy! love it) I went to town to:
1. have a look at Crunchfitness centre (www.crunchfitness.ie ) at Aston Quay. I was so impressed by it cleanliness, high tech equipments and large swimming pool, I signed up right away. The entrance is so grand, so camp! The fee is reasonabe. £100 for registration, 1 month free membership and the £64 permonth, significantly cheaper than Iveagh Fitness Centre (in term of grandeur, Crunchfitness is so much better). Now the challenge is to have self discipline....The last time I signed up for Gym, I went there in binges....two months intensive ttraining 4 months nothing. No wonder I didn't get any benefit.
2. send a form for Insurance renewal. I had to send ASAP before they increase the premium. I had a car accident last week and now I am awaiting the paperwork to b completed for the claim. So I hope they would receive the renewal form and proceed with it before I complete my claim. Smart move huh!
3. Get contact lenses. So much cheaper in Specsaver than the last place, nearly half the price. Cekik darah punya company (bloodsucking company!)
Looking forward to dinner with Hazel and the gang tonight.
11 years ago
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