Monday, November 17, 2008

Work? Nothing exciting. Same old story. Overcrowded. Understaffed. Same talk, no action. I am doing 8am to 4pm shift till Friday then 8-8 for the next 9 days. Sure. No problem. Bring it on. I think not, but I don’t want to think about it a lot. Just get on with the business.

On the way back I did a stupid thing, still laughing now when thinking about it. I refilled my car fuel tank when the fuel indicator started to blink. While doing the refuelling, I was thinking about getting a Chinese take away as I was so hungry. At the same time, I was thinking about the next project at work. In addition to that, I was thinking that I was still angry at my so-called friend for the event that happened yesterday. Too many things in my head, you know. By the time the price for the fuel on the pump hit $40, I decided I was not getting the Chinese food, decided on the topic of the work project and contemplating to forgive my friend. Put the pump back and drove off......

Well, that half of the story, the other half is this. By the time I got back, while parking my Opel Corsa, out of the blue, I remembered that I might have forgotten something. I checked my wallet, and there it was, confirming my suspicion. The $50 was still there. I had forgotten to pay the petrol. I cursed myself with every dirty word came across my mind. I ran upstairs. In the apartment, I tried to act cool. The first thing I did was to open my computer to Andrew’s annoyance. While he was having a conversation with me (I can’t remember what!) I was trying to figure out what was the best way to contact the premise. The problem was I couldn’t remember the name of the petrol station, and what road it was on. Eventually I told Andrew what happened. He laughed first at me, then suggested what we should do. While he was searching through the Google map to find out the name of the street where the shop was located, in my mind, I was thinking, I was screwed, dead pan!. They probably had called the gardai, and now the gardai were on their way to arrest me, the next thing I was deported home. Such a drama queen. Finally, I managed to call the petrol station apologised profusely for my absentmindedness. And she was (sound like someone east European) so nice and agreed that I pay them tomorrow. I left my name and phone no with her. OMG! What have I become? Demented and I am only 34......need to eat lots of antioxidant-containing food to slow down my brain disintegration....


KeBiBebi said...

Hairi, that's what happened when you've got too many things on your mind. Slow down a bit friend...take care of your health. That's the most precious thing you owned!

Al-Razes said...

wakakaaa.. last 2 weeks aku buka penutup minyak and tiba tiba credit card x leh terima. aku terus drive dan lupa penutup minyak tinggal. by the time cari balik x jumpa..