Friday, June 13, 2008


Dan, Brian, Steven, Chris
Sergei, Jeff
Steven, Chris
Sergei, Paul, Jeff

I finished my night shift yesterday at 8 am. Hooray! No more night shift for St. James Hospital. Now, I have the whole weekend off till Tuesday. It's now 5:10 am, I still couldn't sleep. Well, I went to bed yesterday at 10am and sleep through till 7 pm, had my dinner and went to bed again at 11 pm. Big Mistake!

I woke up at 3am, and here I am, fully awake, wondering what I should do. After surfing in the internet, reading all the online malaysian newspapers (,,,,, then I remembered I had signed up to start my own blog. Hence, here I am, looking for ideas on what I should write.

Perhaps, I should write about my plan today........God! Only now I realise I actually have a boring life. My work has consumed me greatly.

Recently, I started to learn spanish through an online website ( It uses immersion method which I find quite interesting. Its aim is to allow the language to be assimilated into your mind naturally like a child learning a language without thinking too much about the grammar. It has been few months now since the first day I signed up but due to the constraint of time I hasn't done it regularly as it suggests. So I think I should plan everyday on how much time I should spend to learn the language. A little time daily but I believe consistence is the key.

One may wonder why spanish. Ahak! I will tell you a secret. I have a dream. My dream is to retire early in a small village in Spain looking after animals and growing my own food. I love Spain. I like the weather, the food and the people. Well, that is the dream anyway.

Sitting here on my own alone gets me thinking that I haven't been out for a long time. The last time I met my friends (Jeff, Brian, Steven) probably nearly 2 months ago. So, I think I should go out tonight to meet them.

I haven't seen a movie in a cinema for few months now. So, I should see a movie tonight. Which one? Indiana jones, Sex in the city, Priceless or Mongol?

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