Thursday, September 11, 2008


3 gone 4 to go.....yes, I am talking about my night shift. I have just arrived home. Tired but not sleepy yet despite my 12 hours shift. While waiting for my brain to tell me to sleep, somehow I got some inspiration to write this. Today I got 2 emails from malaysia regarding the content I wrote in my blog. I am delighted with the emails which mean someone actually read my blog. So thanks mrmanager ( and al-razes ( for you comments. I promise you that the truth will come out. Please be patient....

It was fairly quiet night last night at work. So most of the time we, me and the nurses exchanged gossips and were bitching around....and some serious conversations as well.

One of the patients I saw last night was a young guy with an attitude, absolutely drunk, most likely a spoilt brat, came in with a thumb injury after being bitten by his partner. Apparently he had a row with his drunken partner who later hit him with a metal piece from a hoover before biting his thumb. Human bite, particularly on the hand, is a serious injury no matter how small the wound is. There are so many bugs in the in mouth that can cause serious infection, which if not treated properly the patient may lose the hand/finger. We have to consider HIV and hepatitis infection. This particular patient needs surgical exploration of the finger to determine if any ligament or nerve injury and he has only a very small cut on the thumb. He was also given immediate vaccination of hepatiritis and series of blood test including HIV test.

Although I do have sympathy for this boy but his attitude made me wanna slap his beautiful face. He was rude, loud, demanding and ungrateful. Despite the anger I had inside, of course, as a medical professional, I managed to contain myself from the outburst, instead, I smiled and kept smiling....which cooled me down. Don't underestimate the power of smile!

1 comment:

Al-Razes said...

wow... know i know why i cant be a doctor heheee...